Astera Credit Union to open new Delta Township location

Astera Credit Union is about to become much more visible in Lansing. 
We originally built this location to be convenient to the workers at the body plant,” says Jeff Croff, vice president of marketing for Astera Credit Union of the bank’s main office on Waverly. “Now they’ve relocated to the Delta plant, so many of our members are no longer frequenting the area.”
The local credit union that now operates six area offices will soon move their main office services to a seventh office on Saginaw Highway in Delta Township. Work on the new branch began about six weeks ago and is expected to continue until February of next year. 
The new main branch of Astera Credit Union will offer new services, such as a drive-up ATM and employees trained in a variety of positions. 
“It will change our model of service,” says Croff. “Currently, we have folks in the teller function, and also as loan officers. Now, people who come in at the new facility to make a deposit can decide they want to apply for an auto loan and the person who is helping them can do everything.”
Astera’s growth isn’t limited to the upcoming branch. The credit union recently added a branch in Greenville and now services 21 counties and employs 76 workers. Over the last year, five new staff members have been added. Croff anticipates additional employees will be added with the new branch office.  
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