IP consultant 284 Partners bets on Ann Arbor and wins

It could have gone either way. On the one hand, Ann Arbor boasts big league research spending. On the other, it has few smart mobile device and web-based technology companies. The 284 IP firm took a gamble and got results that exceeded expectations.


""I love Ann Arbor, and a practice like mine usually thrives in San Francisco, Chicago and New York, but there are not as many of these practices in Michigan. I thought there was potential in that," Lasinski said. "But being here also keeps our HR and infrastructure costs low. And that cost savings is something we could pass along to the client."

Lasinski and Arst estimate about 60 percent of their workload is consulting and expert witness work in litigation, a market that has grown along with the national economic recovery. Another 20 percent is patent valuation for tax and regulatory purposes, and 20 percent is advisory work on transactions involving IP."

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