Annual pow wow expected to draw record crowd

Are you going to the Jiingtamok this year?

Translation: Are you going to the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe's 26th Annual Pow Wow this year? The event, which features Native American Indian dancing, drumming and other festivities, will take place Aug. 6–8 at the Isabella Indian Reservation in Mount Pleasant.

This year, the reservation is expecting a record crowd -- about 30,000 people from the region and all over the United States -- to come to this year's pow wow, says Frank Cloutier, public relations director for the tribe. Last year's event drew about 20,000 people, including Native Americans from 52 different nations.

"Every year we do it, it gets bigger and bigger," he says.

The event features Native American Indian dancing in elaborate regalia, Cloutier says. Dancers from different nations throughout the United States and Canada compete against each other throughout the weekend. Drumming, Native American food, crafts, and car bingo will be included as part of this year's festivities as well.

The event helps keep the Native American culture and heritage alive within the community, but it also helps educate others in the community.

"The best thing really about pow wow is just exchange of culture," Cloutier says. "If people want to experience something unlike they've ever seen before, it's a great opportunity for them."

There is no admission for the event. For more information, call 989-775-4110.

Writer: Jenny Cromie
Source: Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe, Frank Cloutier
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