MSER Lawn and Snow opens in Midland

Dru Sepulveda was in a position that a lot of folks are finding themselves in these days--he had himself a master's degree in computer science and a bachelor's in mathematics but no one to hire him in those fields.

What did he do? Sepulveda became a business owner, first operating the successful Midland Small Engine Repair, which focuses on repair and maintenance work for push lawn mowers, including tune-ups, oil changes and blade sharpening. From there, Sepulveda filled in his schedule by working for Tim Solar of Midland Mowing as he learned the ins and outs of commercial and residential lawn care.

Now Sepulveda has a completely new business he recently opened: MSER Lawn and Snow.

The new company focuses on grass cutting and snow removal. Their services include the use of push and light-weight walk-behind mowers, string trimming around trees, islands and other lawn features as well as bush and hedge trimming, edging, weeding and spring and fall cleanup. Come winter, MSER will also offer snow removal with blowers and shovels.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Dru Sepulveda, MSER Lawn and Snow
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