Michigan Municipal League selects new trustees, including Mount Pleasant city manager

Mount Pleasant city manager Kathie Grinzinger is one of six Michigan officials recently named as the newest members of the Michigan Municipal League board of directors.

Six officials from across the state were selected to the board at the end of January. The selections included Battle Creek mayor Susan Baldwin; Rogers City mayor pro tem Debra Greene; Jackson councilmember Daniel Greer; East Lansing mayor pro tem Nathan Triplett; Kingsley village manager Adam Umbrasas; and Grinzinger.

"We are honored to have these members serve on our board," says league president Karen Majewski, who is also the mayor of Hamtramck. "We feel that each person selected will do an excellent job representing his or her community and region and helping further the league’s mission to restore Michigan to prosperity."

The league focuses on Michigan’s future economic prosperity, which the organization has indicated is dependent on having vibrant places and communities where people want to live, work and have fun.

In total, there are 19 members of the league's board.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Karen Majewski, Michigan Municipal League
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