U.S. Customs and Border Protection Port hits 35 year mark

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Port of Battle Creek recently reached an economic milestone -- 35 years serving West Michigan business, reports the Battle Creek Enquirer.

The trade zone serves West Michigan businesses, providing trade routes through seaports at Benton Harbor and St. Joseph, and through facilities at W.K. Kellogg International Airport. That's a convenience for businesses at Fort Custer Industrial Park, which hosts companies with roots in Japan, Germany, Austria and Denmark, and elsewhere.


"The port of entry is another avenue to pursue in terms of making business a little bit easier here in West Michigan," Said George A. Erickcek, senior regional analyst for the W.E. Upjohn Institute in Kalamazoo, a member of the port's board of directors. "Does it make a difference in terms of employment? Maybe, sometimes. But I think, more importantly, it's something that we have that many other areas do not. And, in a global environment, every little bit matters."

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Source: Battle Creek Enquirer
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