Finlandia gets accreditation for medical assistant program

In the world of colleges, accreditation is an important part of any program being offered. Over at Finlandia University in Hancock, the newest program to receive that recognition is the medical assistant associate degree program, which was recently accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allie Health Education Programs.

The program was accredited for five years, through September 2017, and is the only accredited medical assistant program in the Upper Peninsula.

"Graduates of Finlandia's medical assistant program are awarded an associate degree from an accredited program," says Pam Audette, director and assistant professor for the medical assistant program. "This is a huge advantage for Finlandia MA graduates because it means they are eligible to sit for the national exam to gain the credential of certified medical assistant."

Finlandia University's medical assistant majors are trained to complete both administrative and clinical tasks, such as medical insurance billing and coding, medical records management, taking patients' vital signs, administering injections, performing laboratory tests, and assisting physicians with minor outpatient surgery

Established in 2010, the medical assistant program has so far graduated 14 students in two classes--2011 and 2012. Ten students are enrolled in the program this fall.

Finlandia medical assistant graduates have achieved a 100 percent pass rate on the national Registered Medical Assistant exam, and 13 out of 14 graduates are employed in health care or are continuing their studies at the bachelor's level.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Pam Audette, Finlandia University
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