MTEC SmartZone appoints new CEO

The MTEC SmartZone economic development incubator in Houghton has selected a new CEO, Marilyn Clark. Clark has many years of experience in Keweenaw and Michigan business, and was chosen to lead the SmartZone into a new stage of growth.

Clark has already been acting as interim CEO of the SmartZone since September, and will officially start her new full-time position in mid-January. She's been working on a ten-year vision that she will present at a Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance meeting Jan. 11.

Clark was previously an assistant professor of management at Finlandia University, but is making the switch from academia to the business world.

"I love teaching and watching students learn and grow," she says, "but, having grown up in Chassell and lived through the mines closing, I know how important jobs are for the Keweenaw. I am really excited about leading MTEC SmartZone in a new direction to impact job creation and economic development in the Keweenaw."

Clark is a graduate of Michigan Technological University, with a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a master's degree in business administration. She has also taught human resources in the past, served as president of the local Michigan Tech Alumni Association chapter, and as a member of the Michigan Tech President's Council of Advisors.

She was chosen for not only her connections and expertise with both Keweenaw universities but also her business experience. Clark has been operations manager for Cummins Engine, a Fortune 500 company, and a consultant for local companies Talon Research, IR Telemetrics and Midwest Loan, as well as sales director for Consistacom.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Marilyn Clark, MTEC SmartZone

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