Haze Art Gallery and Studio Move into New Buildings in Old Town

Haze Art Gallery has relocated for what owner Hazel Hotwagner calls, "the final time."

This is the third move for Haze Art Gallery and its studio. Hotwagner moved her gallery and ceramics studio into two separate but neighboring buildings in Old Town: 304 and 306 Grand River Ave. The move netted Hotwagner more studio space for "classes, parties and all kinds of goodies."

The additional studio space was not the only benefit of the relocation.  "[We have] a beautiful courtyard in the back," says Hotwagner.

She hopes to use the courtyard for events once the weather warms up. Being on Grand River Ave. has also increased foot traffic for the gallery and studio.

Haze Gallery is unique in that it is a rent-based gallery, and not commission based. An artist pays to have their work displayed instead of giving a portion of their sales to the gallery owner. "We're the only one like it in the state," says Hotwagner. "60% of our artists have been around for over five years."

This coming May marks the 14th anniversary of the gallery and the seventh of the studio. The gallery and studio moved this past October.

Source: Hazel Hotwagner

Writer: Daniel J. Hogan 

All Photographs © Dave Trumpie

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