Veteran reporter starts Chelsea Update webzine

It's hard for reporters to stop tapping on that keyboard, which explains why Chelsea is now in the webzine game with Chelsea Update.

The news website is the baby of Heather Newman, a veteran reporter with 20 years experience in newspapers including a recent stint at the Detroit Free Press. She is the founder, owner, editor and writer for the website that posts news stories on an almost daily basis.

"It's kind of a tough itch not to scratch," Newman says.

Even when she has a full-time job. The Chelsea resident left the Free Press last winter to take a marketing job with the University of Michigan Press, the university's book publisher. She runs Chelsea Update in her spare time, writing stories on nights and weekends.

Newman hopes to make the month-old website break even by this time next year. She plans to eventually get the point where she can even hire a freelancer or two and become known as the definitive news source for Chelsea. But now its just a good reason to ask questions.

"It gives me a good excuse to be officially nosy in my town," Newman says.

Source: Heather Newman, owner of Chelsea Update
Writer: Jon Zemke
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