Gaming firm inDepthLearning expands to 7 in Ann Arbor

The evolution of inDepthLearning has been a bit of an, um... well, learning curve.

The Ann Arbor-based firm got its start in 2001 as an Internet-based learning firm, creating programs and applications that let students access and absorb more information online. Today its has moved to video games, putting a new game on the market and developing another.

"We realized we could do a lot more with gaming," says Res Midgley, president of inDepthLearning.

The switch in emphasis has let the company that started with two people, grow to seven including an independent contractor. It recently hired two people and has plans to continue to hire to keep up with its growth. The company has doubled in size in the last 18 months and has high hopes for 2010-11.

"We have great expectations for the next year and half," Midgley says.

It's latest game is called "Drug Scene Investigators," a video game for kids in grades 7-10. The game works to incorporate reading, library search, and decision-making by combining interest in science, heath and mysteries. Users need to figure out which illegal drugs were consumed by game characters, students search the library, take notes, link discovered information with facts, and reason from the evidence to form conclusions.

Source: Res Midgley, president of in Depth Learning
Writer: Jon Zemke
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  • In Depth Learning
    123 North Ashley, Suite 202123 North Ashley, Suite 202
    Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Website
    inDepthLearning is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, charitable organization dedicated to expanding the ways people learn through innovative, personalized, and interactive websites.