Michigan Aerospace wins wind energy grant

Michigan Aerospace is getting ready to continue its wind energy research as it starts to cash in its $748,000 grant from the U.S. Dept. of Energy.

The Ann Arbor-based firm will use the money to develop its latest technology for wind turbines.

"We hope this technology will provide advanced forecasting of wind before it hits the turbine," says Pete Tchoryk, CEO of Michigan Aerospace. "This is expected to reduce the mechanical stress on the turbine blades and inner components."

That will help lower the maintenance costs and make the wind turbine more efficient. There are also plans to use the technology to better determine what areas are prime for wind turbines.

Michigan Aerospace employs 32 people and a couple of interns and independent contractors. The 12-year-old company hopes to bring a few more people onto its staff in the near future.

Source: Pete Tchoryk, CEO of Michigan Aerospace and Charles Richey, vice president of Michigan Aerospace
Writer: Jon Zemke
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