Sleeping Bear Press moves to Ann Arbor

Sleeping Bear Press, a downtown Chelsea staple, has made tracks over to Ann Arbor.


Sleeping Bear Press will be leaving the Chelsea Clocktower on Friday.

Heather Hughes said the move was a result of the changes made when the Press became part of Gale Publishing in 2002.

"The Chelsea Clocktower became our home 10 years ago as a publisher with three separate divisions," Hughes said in a written statement. "When Gale acquired Sleeping Bear Press in 2002, just the children's division was included and the other two parts of our business were sold separately."

"This left us with many open offices and too much space. When our lease came up for renewal we were fortunate to find a wonderfully suited space that fits us perfectly."

Sleeping Bear will be moving to 315 E. Eisenhower Parkway in Ann Arbor, across from Briarwood Mall.

Read the rest of the story here.
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