Buying a book next week is a way to support the Veterans Memorial Library

The Friends of Veterans Memorial Library holds its annual book sale in the Veterans Memorial Library Annex, 301 S. University Ave. 
The Friends group raises money to support family activities, artwork, performers, coffee for library users, and other activities that the library provides for the community
There will be thousands of books for sale. Inside, you’ll discover books for everyone from infants to people with significant life experience. The Friends group promises that the selection is always interesting. 
The sale begins on Wed., Sept. 28.  The first portion of the sale is only for Friends of the Library Members. At 2:30 p.m., the Friends groups opens the sale to teachers. 
The sale opens to the public Thurs., Sept. 29 and Fri., Sept. 30 from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.  On Sat., Oct. 1, the sale opens from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. On that last day, fill a bag provided by the Friends group for only $2. 
Sponsors of the event include Ric’s Food Center, Aunt Millie’s Bakery Outlet and Isabella Community Credit Union.

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