MTEC SmartZone receives grant to support job creation

The MTEC SmartZone in Houghton just keeps building businesses in the U.P, and its efforts haven't gone unnoticed: It was the recent recipient of a Michigan Economic Development Corporation award for its high performance among business incubators and accelerators in the state.

The award is $75,000, which will help MTEC SmartZone invest even more in startup businesses. Program director Jonathan Leinonen helps local entrepreneurs who are starting up a business, or small tech businesses interested in growing, through funding, development and other resources at the center.

"MTEC SmartZone provides customized services for our clients, so each company is reviewed and approved based on needs and growth potential," he says. The MEDC grant money will be allocated through various programs MTEC SmartZone has, like its Entrepreneur Support Center, which opened in 2011.

Another part of MTEC SmartZone's services is its collaboration with Michigan Technological University, to commercialize product, service, research and design ideas developed in Tech labs and classrooms. That connection and opportunity to do more economic building was part of the reason MEDC chose the business incubator for the grant award.

"We continue to see great things happening in Houghton. The credit goes to MTEC SmartZone for putting together a strong proposal that convinced the review committee of their strengths and opportunities," says Paula Sorrell, managing director of entrepreneurial services at MEDC.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Jonathan Leinonen, MTEC SmartZone
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