
Art of Courage: East Downtown Dearborn seeks visual artists for Black Lives Matter exhibition

A year-long art exhibition is set to debut this February at multiple locations in East Downtown Dearborn and online.

A call for submissions has been announced for visual artists to contribute to Art of Courage: Black Lives Matter 360 Exhibition, which is being organized by the East Downtown Dearborn Development Authority. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, Jan. 27.

The exhibition itself is scheduled to run from Feb. 8, 2021 through Feb. 8, 2022. Works will be displayed in the Connector at City Hall Artspace and outside at City Hall Park. A virtual component will display works online.

The exhibition is meant to visually address the effects of systemic racism in cities like Dearborn, where Black citizens don’t make up the majority of the population. Educational programming and artist talks and lectures are also planned.

“I enjoy seeing artists of all mediums teaming up to produce such innovative and transformational experiences that match what our nation is feeling and thinking. I am grateful for our board’s support and leadership,” says EDDDA Board Chairperson Julia Kapilango.

Submission requirements include a $15 submission fee, artist bio, examples of past work, a 15- to 30-second video introducing the artist, and a piece ready to install by Saturday, Jan. 30.

Submissions and questions can be sent to Rozenia Johnson, Curator of Art and Exhibitions, MDUBA Associates, at or (313) 405-3044.

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MJ Galbraith is a writer and musician living in Detroit. Follow him on Twitter @mikegalbraith.