Application window opens for metro Detroit artists vying for $550,000 in local fellowship awards

What’s happening: The application window for the Kresge Artist Fellowships has officially opened, inviting artists in the Live Arts and Film & Music categories to apply for $550,000 in no-strings-attached fellowships. Artists of all levels that are living and working in Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne counties are eligible. 

Why it’s important: The Kresge Artist Fellowship offers metro Detroit artists the chance at winning a $25,000 no-strings-attached fellowship. The 2022 award cycle totals $550,000 in fellowships for local artists, including twenty $25,000 fellowships and ten $5,000 Gilda Awards. Winners also receive professional development and mentorship opportunities.

Who’s behind it: The Kresge Artist Fellowships are funded by The Kresge Foundation and administered by Kresge Arts in Detroit at the College for Creative Studies. Since 2008, Kresge Arts in Detroit has awarded $6.7 million to local artists.

The categories: The Live Arts category includes choreography, dance, interdisciplinary work, performance art, playwriting, theatre directing. The Film & Music category includes animation, film directing, interdisciplinary work, music composition, music performance, screenwriting, and sound art. Artists at all stages of their careers are encouraged to apply.

The deadline: The deadline to apply is Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022. All submissions must be received by 11:59 p.m. (EST) to be considered.

Words of advice: “Tell us what you love,” says artist, author, teacher, and 2020 Kresge Artist Fellowship panelist Toby MacNutt. “Tell us why this matters to you, why you do the work that you do? What do you dream of doing with it as you move forward?”

Help with applications: An instructional video outlining the application process, as well as other helpful information, is currently available online. An informative online Q&A session is scheduled for 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 11.

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MJ Galbraith is a writer and musician living in Detroit. Follow him on Twitter @mikegalbraith.