Next leaders of Oakland County invited to information breakfeast on professional development course

Leadership Oakland, the Troy-based business and community leadership development non-profit, is spreading the word. The organization is hosting a free informational breakfast at the MSU Management Education Center in order for those interested to learn more about its principal program, the Leadership Oakland Cornerstone Program.

While the breakfast is free, pre-registration is required. Each year, 50 people are accepted into the Cornerstone Program, which seeks to advance the leadership skills of those enrolled in three arenas: Personally, professionally, and publicly.

Ranging in issues from education to government, the justice department to race and ethnic diversity, Cornerstone holds monthly sessions led by experts in each field and examines their impact on the region. On Oct. 10, 2018, for example, the curriculum calls for an Economy & Government Session, of which the website states: "This session looks at the economic forces and government structures that shape Oakland County and their impact on the region. Participants hear directly from business and government leaders on the opportunities and challenges they face on a daily basis."

 Beginning in September 2018 with a three-day retreat, Cornerstone enrollees graduate from the nine-month course in June 2019. According to the organization, Leadership Oakland alumni consist of business and community leaders throughout the region, and can be found on the boards of directors of a number of institutions around southeastern Michigan.

The Leadership Oakland Cornerstone Program informational breakfast will be held Wednesday, April 18, from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at the MSU Management Education Center, which is located at 811 W. Square Lake Rd. in Troy.


Registration is available online.

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MJ Galbraith is a writer and musician living in Detroit. Follow him on Twitter @mikegalbraith.