Troy-based Expetec hits $1 million milestone, emphasizes veteran hiring

Expetec is looking to expand its team by hiring a few good women and men who have served their country.

"We're starting to place a bigger emphasis on veteran hiring," says Mike St. John, partner at Expetec.

St. John, a veteran himself, believes that experience can vets better adjust to civilian life and become more successful. He also sees their military experience as an asset to his technology firm.

"They (veterans) have more discipline," St. John says. "They perform well under pressure. They are well seasoned when it comes to working together as a team."

Thanks to a spike in revenue, the Troy-based IT firm has already hired two people over the last year, and it's looking to hire another two people now. Those hires will bring the 10-year-old company's staff to 15 people. 

Expetec's revenue passed the $1 million milestone last year, and its aiming to hit $2 million by the end of 2016. Part of that growth is organic, coming from both new clients and expanding work with existing customers. The other part comes from a merger with BCL Computing a year ago, a company that had reached its growth ceiling.

"We had a marketing and operations departments," St. John says. "It allowed the owner to focus on clients."

Source: Mike St. John, partner at Expetec
Writer: Jon Zemke

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