Cultural Alliance of Southeastern Michigan joins national study

The Cultural Alliance of Southeastern Michigan will take part in Arts & Economic Prosperity IV, a research study conducted by Americans for the Arts. The study will evaluate the impact spending my nonprofit arts organizations, and the effect arts audiences have on local economies.

The Cultural Alliance of Southeastern Michigan, a professional association comprised of more than 100 nonprofit arts and culture organizations in seven counties in Michigan, is one of 200 study partners across the country. By collecting detailed economic and event attendance data from nonprofit arts and culture organizations throughout Southeast Michigan, plus gathering detailed surveys from event attendees, Arts & Economic Prosperity IV will be able to evaluate the impact of the recession on employment and government revenues generated by the arts industry.

"Participating in this study will give us valuable data about the role of arts and culture in the regional economy of Detroit," said Maud Lyon, Executive Director of the Cultural Alliance, "and also ensures that our region is included in the assessment of national impact."

According to Americans for the Arts most recent national study, the national nonprofit arts industry generated 5.7 million jobs and $166.2 billion in total economic activity during 2005, resulting in $29.6 billion in federal, state and local government revenues.

More information about the Cultural Alliance of Southeastern Michigan can be found here.
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