What's happening: The 2024 Small Town and Rural Development Conference will be held April 29-May 1 at the Crystal Mountain Resort in Thompsonville. The annual conference is sponsored by the Rural Partners of Michigan and the Community Economic Development Association of Michigan.
The agenda: The three-day conference includes a variety of speakers from across Michigan and breakout sessions about issues important to rural areas of the state. They include
Poverty Solutions in YOUR Town: Community Action
Leading the Way; What the New Renewable Energy Siting Legislation Means
for Michigan Local Governments; Loved to Death: Managing the Growth of Rural Tourism; The Impact of Healthcare on Rural Economic Development; and Partnering with Tribes to expand broadband access and
economic opportunity.
A conference highlight: Every year 10 communities across Michigan compete in Consumers Energy Foundation's Put Your Town on the Map pitch competition, showcasing development and other strides in their communities. Competing are: St. Johns, Coopersville, White Cloud, Imlay City, Bellaire, Napoleon, Au Gres, Rogers City and Saranac. The top three winners are awarded First Place: $25,000
Second Place: $15,000 Third Place: $10,000.
Information: Small Town and Rural Development Conference.
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