Veteran Old Town resident opens professional office center, invites start-ups to join the district

A long-time Lansing property developer will be opening new office spaces in Old Town for small businesses or start-ups interested in setting up shop in the neighborhood.
After wrapping up a moderate remodeling job, Terry Terry, owner TT Ventures and founder of Message Makers, will open the Old Town Professional Center in mid-March. Located at 1129 N. Washington, the two-story building features eight separate offices or studios—five on the first floor, three on the second—as well as a kitchen, restrooms and shared common areas for conferences and meetings.
"It's perfect for someone who is ready to leave a business incubator or is looking for a unique space for a start-up," Terry says. "It's very affordable and in a great location."
Monthly rents range from $200 to $300 per office per month and include access to a free parking area directly adjacent to the building. Office tenants can enjoy the walkable community and become immersed in the north Lansing district that houses unique retail, art galleries and restaurants.
Terry acquired the 60-year-old brick building in mid-2015 and has been steadily working on rehab. The telecommunications company Pro-Tel occupied the facility for about 50 years, he says, and kept the building in good repair. Terry also purchased 1125 N. Washington around the same time. The 1923 Preuss Building sits behind and shares surface parking with the new professional center. Transformation of that space is underway, with plans to open the doors on a glass art studio for an area artist sometime in the next couple months.
As a long-time business owner and Old Town resident, Terry says he is happy to welcome newcomers to the district by providing ambient, affordable space.
"To see the development and interest in this area is very rewarding," Terry says. "It's great to be in a position where I can do this."
Source: Terry Terry, Owner, TT Ventures
Writer: Ann Kammerer, News Editor
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