State of Health

State of Health is a series about how Michigan communities are rising to address health challengesPrevious coverage examined health disparities and how they affect Michigan's children and seniors and integrated care and its potential to improve Michiganders' health. This series is made possible with funding from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund.

Longform A rendering of the future Fresh! by Gleaners.
Longform Danielle Atkinson, founder and national director of Mothering Justice, has been instrumental in advocating for paid leave in Michigan.
Longform Produce from the Youth Mentor Garden at Marquette Park in Wyoming, Mich.
Innovation News Michigan Nurses' Study image
Longform Ariane Donnelly, Anne Davis, and Tanya Andrews at the Prescription for Health booth at the Pittsfield Township Farmers Market. Prescription for Health is Washtenaw County's produce prescription program.
Longform Ariane Donnelly, Anne Davis, and Tanya Andrews at the Prescription for Health booth at the Pittsfield Township Farmers Market. Prescription for Health is Washtenaw County's produce prescription program.
Longform Amy Nichols, campus coordinator for the Region IV Area Agency on Aging, at the Campus for Creative Aging's booth in the South Haven Art Fair. She shows an example of the Window to Our World art project for care partners.
Longform The Inclusive Health Care Taskforce hosted an information and resource fair on June 13.
Longform Lunchtime at Oehrli Elementary School in Montague, Mich.
Longform Shelby Coolbaugh, administrative assistant for the Michigan Long Term Care Ombudsman Program (MLTCOP), and Salli Pung, state long term care omubdsman for MLTCOP.
Feature Story Veronica Bilicki oversees the Patient as Caregiver program.

Henry Ford Health program helps unpaid caregivers stay healthy

Longform Kristin Graham