Delta Township engages in marketing strategy study to enhance Saginaw Hwy corridor

Now that construction on Saginaw Highway is complete, Delta Township officials are engaged in a project to help the commercial corridor take full advantage of the improvements. The township has partnered with local businesses and strategic real estate consultants, LandUse|USA to conduct a Saginaw Highway Corridor Market Strategy study.
“The overall goal is to come up with a strategy to help Saginaw Highway to reemerge as the vibrant dining and shopping district for the region,” says Sharon M. Woods of LandUse|USA. “We really want it to be a regional initiative.”
The study aims to find recommendations that will identify the types of retailers that would fit well in the corridor. It also intends to identify the best use for vacant land along the corridor and west of I-69.
“We are about ten weeks out from delivering  a preliminary strategy,” says Woods. “My goal is to come back to them with actionable recommendations.”
Delta Township plans to use the results to help developers focus their business recruitment and planning efforts. Both the study itself and the steps taken to develop the corridor based on its recommendations is a public-private partnership between Delta Township and local businesses.
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