MSU grad builds mobile app for area LGBT-friendly businesses

Recent master's degree recipient, Emily Brozovic, can't stand to not be learning something new at any given time. Pair that with creative problem solving, a knack for online development, and a passion for promoting the positives for the LGBT community, and you have an innovator with an itch to scratch. That itch is the mobile app, People Like Me.
"I feel as though we always hear about where we should boycott, but not as much about where we could take a date or grab a coffee or see a doctor that's LGBT-friendly," says Brozovic. The app will provide local, location-based business information to users and allow the LGBT community to rate and review these businesses based on their perspective as an LGBT individual. 
Currently in Kickstarter mode, funding would go mostly to the app developer. Brozovic will handle design. People Like Me could provide a go-to solution for this type of information in Lansing and help businesses to connect with the LGBT community. 
"I believe that if we focused more on those good places, dollars would naturally flow more in that business's direction, creating a positive outcome for them, as well as a positive experience/place for LGBT individuals," says Brozovic.
Source: Emily Brozovic, People Like Me 
Writer: Veronica Gracia-Wing, Innovation News.
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