New round of lifelong learning and short-term professional development classes announced at Mid

Learning doesn’t stop at graduation. And in a time when people are staying home more than they typically might, learning something new can provide a welcome distraction.

Whether someone is looking for the chance to bolster their skills to make a move in the workforce or to simply learn a new talent for the sake of their own mental well-being, announcements from Mid Michigan College cover both the former and the latter.

A spate of Lifelong Learning classes have begun both online and in-person at Mid’s Mt. Pleasant, Shepherd, and Harrison locations. A series of cooking classes cover a wide range of techniques, including sauces, meats, holiday cookies, and more. There are classes on home repair and classes on genealogy. There’s even a class on soap making.

“Mid is committed to offering learning opportunities that appeal to lifelong students in our surrounding communities, and feature local artisans and experts as instructors,” says Scott Mertes, Vice President of Community Outreach & Advancement at Mid.

“Lifelong Learning classes are affordable, offered online, on-campus, and in our local communities, and are focused on topics that spark creativity and pique interest. From artistic endeavors to dog training, the class you’re looking for is coming soon.”

A new round of professional development and training courses has also arrived at Mid.

Short-term training options include commercial driver’s license, phlebotomy, and direct support professional courses. Two professional development courses are offered as well. Those include How to Identify and Manage Trauma in the Workplace and Human Trafficking: Signs, Myths, and Trends.

“Many of the careers connected to Mid’s Short-Term Training are ranked among the fastest growing occupations by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, including certified nurse assistants (CNAs) and phlebotomists,” says Kristine Stevens, Director of Business & Industry Training at Mid.

Visit Mid Michigan College online to learn more about their extended learning opportunities.

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