January things to do: It’s time for Winterfest, a home show, farm markets, a chili cookoff, and more

I don’t enjoy the cold. I admit it. However, there are several activities on the Lakeshore calendar this month that would entice me to dress in layers, buckle up my boots, and leave the house. Winterfest is back in Grand Haven, the Home Building & Remodeling Show returns to Holland, and the Hair of the Dog run takes to the streets of Saugatuck once again. There are musical performances that range from pop to classical, and movies from animated for kids to loosely biographical. Lakeshore libraries are stepping up their game, offering activities from playtime and crafts to puzzle competitions and study breaks. Also, there’s a little time to see a couple of holiday events if you missed them in December. January offers a wide variety of things to do in Allegan, Muskegon, and Ottawa counties. This list includes options for everyone, regardless of age, ability, or interest.  

MMA website These dazzling tiaras are part of the Muskegon Museum of Art exhibit Chicago Collects: Jewelry in Perspective, which ends Sunday, Jan. 5.

Week 1 (Jan. 1–5)

Hair of the Dog 5K Run/Walk
Spectators Bar, 6432 Blue Star Highway, Saugatuck
Wednesday, Jan. 1, registration begins at 11 a.m.; the run starts at 1 p.m.
Cost: $15 for kids, $30 for adults, $40 for adults with a dog
This fun run is an awesome opportunity to raise money for the Saugatuck Education Association. All proceeds for this fundraising event go to scholarships for kids in preschool through 12th grade. Hoodies and stocking caps are available for sale. Coffee and hot chocolate will be available after the race. 
Details: https://runsignup.com/Race/MI/Saugatuck/Hair-Of-The-Dog

Marvel Mania
Holland Museum, 31 W. 10th St., Holland
Friday-Saturday, Jan. 3-4, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cost: Adults, students, and children, $5; museum members admitted free 
This Spark!Lab exhibit showcases over 60 Marvel items spanning five decades of iconic superhero history. Then, enjoy superhero-themed activities and crafts, and participate in interactive challenges that bring the Marvel universe to life.
Details: https://hollandmuseum.org/event/marvel-mania-at-the-holland-museum

Chicago Collects: Jewelry in Perspective
Muskegon Museum of Art, 296 W. Webster Ave., Muskegon 
Through Sunday, Jan. 5
Cost: Free with MMA admission
Drawn from public and private collections in Chicago, this exhibition celebrates design and craftsmanship. It features 200 pieces of historical jewelry and objects from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Items include a jeweled monstrance, a collection of tiaras, medals of French kings, gems of the Art Nouveau Movement, and more. Don’t miss this exhibit, which ends Sunday, Jan. 5.
Details: https://www.visitmuskegon.org/Chicago-Collects-Jewelry/

Festival of Trees
Muskegon Museum of Art, 296 W. Webster Ave., Muskegon
Through Sunday, Jan. 5
Cost: $15 for adults, $13 for seniors 65+, $11 for students 17+ with school ID, $5 for kids and MMA members, free to kids age 5 and younger
Take a trip down memory lane with nostalgic holiday collections at MMA. From vintage ornaments and trains to holiday Barbies and a forest of bottlebrush trees, this exhibition will spark your hoy. The event is filled with holiday activities, live music, decorated trees and wreaths, an auction, teddy bear checkups, and more. QR codes throughout the gallery provide access to an online auction. Visit the link below to learn more.
Details: https://muskegonartmuseum.org/event/festival-of-trees/

GLOW Lighting Event
Downtown Muskegon, Western Avenue, from First to Fifth streets
Daily through Friday, Jan. 10, 4:30 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Cost: Free
In previous years, this Lakeshore Legacy Project event has received incredible acclaim. This year, expect a spectacular display of lights, projections, and decorations at this fourth-annual event. Shop, dine, and sip as you wander through the sparkling streets.
Details: https://www.visitmuskegon.org/event/2024-glow-lighting-event/8301/

We Hope You Fail Better
Saugatuck Center for the Arts, 400 Culver St., Saugatuck
Through May 16
Cost: Free, $50 for VIP experience tickets
Mistakes can be magical. Errors can be extraordinary. Celebrate and connect over the imperfections that make us all human. The SCA exhibit, coinciding with the release of Brad and Kristie Montague’s latest book, “Fail-A-Bration,” will take visitors on the journey of bringing an idea to life, including struggles, disappointments, determination, joy, and celebration.  
Details: https://sc4a.org/event/we-hope-you-fail-better-2/

Winter Reading Challenge
Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Ave., Grand Haven 
Wednesday, Jan. 1, through Friday, Jan. 31
Cost: Free
If you like to read — and win prizes — this is the contest for you. Kids and adults who read and log at least 300 minutes (5 hours) during January will earn prizes. Everyone who completes the challenge — log reading time and review books using the Beanstack app or a paper reading log — will also get five drawing tickets for a free pizza. 
Details: https://www.loutitlibrary.org/winterreading/

Lunar New Year Mask
Herrick District Library, 300 S. River Ave., Holland
Thursday, Jan. 2, through Thursday, Jan. 16, all day
Cost: Free
This month’s Teen Art Gallery will include learning and crafting. Learn about the Lunar New Year and its important symbols as we enter the year of the snake. Materials are provided, while supplies last. All art is due Jan 16 and will be displayed Jan. 17-Feb. 15.
Details: https://herrickdl.bibliocommons.com/events/67335f24b77ff728001d5e38

Incan Line Art Llamas
Herrick District Library North Branch, 155 Riley St., Holland
Thursday, Jan. 2, through Thursday, Jan. 16, all day
Cost: Free
This month’s Tween Art Gallery will combine properties of Incan line art, color, and llamas.  Materials are provided, while supplies last. All art is due Jan 16 and will be displayed Jan. 17-Feb. 15.
Details: https://herrickdl.bibliocommons.com/events/67335f2db77ff728001d5e3a

Happy Mew Year
Hackley Public Library, 316 W. Webster Ave., Muskegon
Thursday, Jan. 2, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cost: Free
Celebrate Cats Day is for youth of all ages. Drop in for this craft activity including a paper cat bookmark or a fun ribbon-and-button bookmark. Plus, someone let the cats loose in the library. Can you find the library staff’s pets?
Details: https://www.hackleylibrary.org/event/happy-mew-year-take-and-makes/

Free Thursdays
Muskegon Museum of Art, 296 W. Webster Ave., Muskegon 
Thursdays, Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, all day
Cost: Free
These days offer a fantastic opportunity to experience art, learn from docents, and explore the museum. Free admission is available from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., and docent-led tours are available from 1-3 p.m.
Details: https://muskegonartmuseum.org/event/free-thursdays-open-late/

Friday Movie Matinee
Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Ave., Grand Haven 
Fridays, Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31, 2-4:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
January is Hanksuary at LDL, featuring films starring the legendary Tom Hanks. Stop in for a matinee showing, and bring snacks and drinks to enjoy during the film. Registration for one event in the series registers you for the entire month. Afterward, submit suggestions for future matinees. Movies showing in December include — Jan. 3, “Sleepless in Seattle” (1993-PG); Jan. 10, “You’ve Got Mail” (1998-PG); Jan. 17, “Forrest Gump” (1994-PG-13); Jan. 24, “Cast Away” (2000-PG-13);  Jan. 31, “Saving Mr. Banks” (2013-PG-13).
Details: https://www.loutitlibrary.org/calendar/movie-matinees/

Holland Farmers Market
Civic Center Place, 150 W. Eighth St., Holland
Saturdays, Jan. 4 and 18, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Cost: Free to attend
Local farmers offer fresh-picked fruits and vegetables, flowers and plants. Baked goods, all-natural honey, maple syrup, sweet treats, gourmet specialty foods, and farm-fresh cheese, eggs, and meats also are available. 
Details: https://www.holland.org/event/holland-farmers-market/2322/

Ski Lessons — Cross Country Beginner
Pigeon Creek Park South, 12524 Stanton St., West Olive
Saturdays, Jan. 4, 11, and 18, 10-11:30 a.m.; Tuesday, Jan. 28, 6-7:30 p.m.
Cost: $8 for Ottawa County Residents, $9 for non-residents
Learn basic techniques in these Ottawa County Parks sessions. Those age 10 and older are welcome. Registration is required. Ski equipment is not provided. Rental is available at the Lodge for an additional fee (arrive 30 minutes early). Intermediate and skate ski classes also are available. Learn more about ski lessons and other Ottawa County Parks activities and volunteer opportunities at the link below.
Details: https://miottawacountyweb.myvscloud.com/Ottawa-County-Events

Winter Farmers Market
242 W. Western Ave., Muskegon
Saturdays through April 26, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Cost: Free to attend
Whether you’re looking for weekly essentials or a special treat, this is the perfect place to support local farmers, artisans, and small businesses. Highlights include seasonal produce, artisanal goods, crafts and gifts, prepared foods, and the Kids Power for Produce Club, starting Jan. 11, where kids receive tokens to spend on produce.
Details: https://www.visitmuskegon.org/event/winter-farmers-market/8476/

Open Skate
Trinity Health Arena, 470 W. Western Ave., Muskegon
Sunday, Jan. 5, 1-2:30 p.m. 
Cost: $5 to skate, $3 for skate rental
Enjoy winter fun on the ice. Don’t miss this great opportunity to get active, the first Sunday of the month through March.
Details: https://www.visitmuskegon.org/open-skate/

West Michigan Symphony website Versatile West Michigan-based pianist Lisa Sung leads her quartet in performing on Friday, Jan. 10, at The Block in Muskegon.

Week 2 (Jan. 6–12)

StoryWalk® — ‘Thank You, Omu!/Gracias, Omu!’ 
Hemlock Crossing, 8115 West Olive Road, West Olive
Monday, Jan. 6, through Sunday, Jan. 26, all park hours
Cost: Free
Herrick District Library staff is collaborating with Ottawa County Parks to provide this StoryWalk® event, featuring this 2018 picture book written and illustrated by Oge Mora. The story is about Omu, who cooks a stew and shares it with her neighbors. They show their gratitude by bringing her food. Walk through the pages of a book as you make your way along a park path. This is a self-guided program for kids from newborns to age 5, and the stories are available from dawn to dusk on the dates listed. Other StoryWalks® are listed at the link below.
Details: https://herrickdl.bibliocommons.com/events/67335f41780c53e63c6a5723

StoryWalk® — ‘Snack, Snooze, Skedaddle: How Animals Get Ready for Winter’ 
Paw Paw East, 1230 Paw Paw Drive, Holland
Monday, Jan. 6, through Sunday, Jan. 26, all park hours
Cost: Free
Herrick District Library staff is collaborating with Ottawa County Parks to provide this StoryWalk® event, featuring this illustrated children’s book by Laura Purdie Salas. There is more than one way for animals to prepare for winter. Some — such as mice, foxes, and moose — simply tolerate the cold. Of course, black bears hibernate; but did you know that chipmunks, wood frogs, and snakes do, too? There also are creatures that migrate, including hummingbirds, blue whales, and earthworms. Walk through the pages of a book as you make your way along a park path. This is a self-guided program for kids from newborns to age 5, and the stories are available from dawn to dusk on the dates listed. Other StoryWalks® are listed at the link below.
Details: https://herrickdl.bibliocommons.com/events/67335f43018bbb1c3dd780a6

Monday Movies
North Muskegon Branch of MADL, 1522 Ruddiman Drive, North Muskegon
Morning: Mondays, Jan. 6, 13, 20, and 27, 10 a.m. to noon
Afternoon: Mondays, Jan. 6, 13, 20, and 27, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
Join the library staff for a family-friendly movie. Movies for morning and afternoon sessions in January are Jan. 6, “Inside Out”; Jan. 13, “Inside Out 2”; Jan. 20, “The Mighty Ducks”; and Jan. 27, “Despicable Me 4.” All movies are rated PG. Popcorn and drinks will be provided.
Details: https://madl.librarycalendar.com/event/monday-morning-movies-6011
See all MADL branch events for January here.

Red Cross Blood Drive
Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Ave., Grand Haven 
Monday, Jan. 6, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cost: Free
Donate and help the Red Cross save lives. To schedule an appointment, click here or call 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767). 
Details: https://www.loutitlibrary.org/calendar/blood-drive/

Orchard View Adult Education
Muskegon Area District Library branches
Mondays and Wednesdays, Jan. 6, 8, 13, 15, 22, 27, and 29; Norton Shores Branch
Tuesdays and Thursdays, Jan. 7, 9, 14, 16. 21, 23, 28, and 30; Muskegon Heights Branch
Cost: Free
MADL is partnering with Orchard View’s Education program to help adults achieve their academic and career goals. The program includes GED preparation classes, high school completion courses, and adult basic education classes. Class times vary. See the January session times here.
Details: Call 231-760-1953 or visit https://madl.librarycalendar.com/adult-education

Herrick District Library, 300 S. River Drive, Holland
Monday, Jan. 6, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
If you’re feeling a little gloomy and gray this winter, join the library staff for some snacks and a showing of this popular PG-13 movie. It’s sure to add a splash of pep and color to your day. Feel free to wear pink.
Details: https://herrickdl.bibliocommons.com/events/67335f46780c53e63c6a5727

Stretch & Much More
Ravenna Branch of MADL, 12278 Stafford St., Ravenna
Wednesdays, Jan. 8, 15, 22, and 29, 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Cost: $5
This weekly class for those 60 and older will focus on relaxation techniques, stretching exercises, and strength building. Work at your own pace to increase flexibility and reduce pain and stiffness. The class can be done standing or sitting in a chair.
Details: https://madl.librarycalendar.com/event/stretch-much-more-6202

Fire Prevention
Hackley Public Library, 316 W. Webster Ave., Muskegon
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 3-4 p.m.
Cost: Free
Members of the Muskegon Fire Department will discuss with adults how fast fire moves, and the importance of smoke alarms and an escape plan. Registration is preferred.
Details: https://www.hackleylibrary.org/event/fire-prevention/

Herrick District Library North Branch, 155 Riley St., Holland
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 4-5 p.m.
Cost: Free
This gathering for ages 5 and older invites participants to use their imagination and create masterpieces with these plastic construction toys. 
Details: https://herrickdl.bibliocommons.com/events/672cc5333d18bc3d00ae3df7

‘Ice Age’
Muskegon Heights Branch of MADL, 2808 Sanford St., Muskegon Heights
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 5-6:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
Join library staff for a screening of this PG movie from 2002. Popcorn will be provided. Registration is required at the link below.
Details: https://madl.librarycalendar.com/event/madl-movie-night-ice-age-6068

Coil Pots for Kids
Norton Shores Branch of MADL, 705 Seminole Road, Norton Shores
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
Join this fun and creative pottery class, you’ll learn how to make tiny coil pots using clay. No experience is necessary, just a willingness to have fun. Registration is required at the link below.
Details: https://madl.librarycalendar.com/event/coil-pots-kids-5557

Lisa Sung Quartet
The Block, 360 W. Western Ave., Muskegon
Friday, Jan. 10, 7:30 p.m.
Cost: $34-$50
This versatile pianist is passionate about reflecting world music within the American jaz tradition. The West Michigan musician leads her ensemble for a night of jazz standards and originals. Buy tickets here.
Details: https://westmichigansymphony.org/events/lisa-sung-quartet-jazz-quartet/

‘Silent Sky’
Frauenthal Center, 425 W. Western Ave., Muskegon
Friday, Jan. 10-Saturday, Jan. 18, Jan. 10, 11, 16, 17, and 18, 7:30; Jan. 12, 3 p.m.
Cost: $16-$32
Muskegon Civic Theatre presents this inspiring true story of Henrietta Leavitt, a pioneering early-1900s astronomer. It explores the challenges women faced during a time of major scientific discoveries, as their contributions were often ignored or claimed by men. Leavitt’s story tells of her contributions to astronomy and her fight for recognition. Get tickets here.
Details: https://www.visitmuskegon.org/event/silent-sky/

Koffie Kletz: Project Windmill
Posthouse, Windmill Island Gardens, 1 Lincoln Ave., Holland 
Saturday, Jan. 11, 10 a.m.
Costs: Free-$5
Join Park Manager Matt Helmus as he offers an update on topics regarding the park. In 1965, “Project Windmill” was completed and Windmill Island opened to the public, and 60 years later it’s still going strong. Helmus will cover visitor statistics, organizational health, current and future projects, upcoming programming, and more. “Koffie” and refreshments will be provided.
Details: Koffie Kletz: Project Windmill

Hotel California
Civic Center Place, 150 W. Eighth St., Holland
Sunday, Jan. 12, 7:30 p.m.
Cost: $25-$30
This tribute band faithfully recreates the sound of the original Eagles in an action-packed performance. Each concert showcases mega-hits such as “Take it Easy,” “Desperado,” and “Heartache Tonight,” and includes solo selections from Don Henley, Glenn Frey, and Joe Walsh.  
Details: https://www.holland.org/event/hotel-california/2443/

Fenn Valley Vinyard website Fenn Valley Vineyard hosts its annual chili cookoff Saturday, Jan. 18. Cooks compete in four categories for the top prize.

Week 3 (Jan. 13–19)

Free Second Mondays
Holland Museum, 31 W. 10th St., Holland
Monday, Jan. 13, 4-7 p.m.
Cost: Free
Explore Holland’s rich history and heritage in the main gallery and enjoy an impressive collection of Dutch art and artifacts in the second-floor gallery.  
Details: https://www.holland.org/event/free-second-mondays/478/

Holland HeartSafe — Free CPR/AED Training
Park Theatre, 248 S. River Ave., Holland
Monday, Jan. 13, 6:30 p.m.
Cost: Free with ticket
Register for this HeartSafe Community event that focuses on saving lives. Participants will receive “hands-only” CPR training and learn to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in an emergency. This class is for those 14 and older. 
Details: https://www.holland.org/event/holland-heart-safe-free-cpr-aed-training/2394/

Tax Talk: Questions & Answers on Income Tax
Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Ave., Grand Haven 
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2-3 p.m.
Cost: Free
If you’re confused about recent changes to the tax laws, join Jeff Moody to learn more. Moody will explain a quick formula to figure out the estimated tax owed or refunded, and he will explain the difference between earned income and capital gains tax. 
Details: https://www.loutitlibrary.org/calendar/Tax-Talk/

Jelly Belly Tasting
North Muskegon Branch of MADL, 1522 Ruddiman Drive, North Muskegon
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 6-7 p.m.
Cost: Free
Jelly Belly jelly beans come in many flavors, ranging from sweet to savory. Come in, try some, and guess the flavors. The person with the most correct guesses will win a prize. Registration is required. To register, email pcroff@madl.org or call 231-740-6080.
Details: https://madl.librarycalendar.com/event/jelly-belly-tasting-5933

Artful Afternoons
Herrick District Library, 300 S. River Ave., Holland
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 3:30-5 p.m.
Cost: Free
Kids ages 6-10 are invited to drop in and create something. From paper crafting to painting, each session will have a different project or two for participants to try.
Details: https://herrickdl.bibliocommons.com/events/67335f0c463ec42e3d211008

Scrabble Tile Coasters
Hackley Public Library, 316 W. Webster Ave., Muskegon
Thursday, Jan. 16, 3-4 p.m.
Cost: Free
Create a fun and personalized coaster using Scrabble tiles during Afternoon Crafting with Molly. Registration is preferred.
Details: https://www.hackleylibrary.org/scrabble-tile-coaster/

Puzzle Competition
Herrick District Library North Branch, 155 Riley St., Holland
Thursday, Jan. 16, 6:30-8 p.m.
Cost: Free
Teams of up to four people ages 13 and older will be given a jigsaw puzzle to solve. The team that finishes first, or gets the furthest in the allotted time, will win a gift card to Out of the Box toy/game store. If you register a team of fewer than four, you may be grouped with another team. 
Details: https://herrickdl.bibliocommons.com/events/672cc53de39a442f00aca72d

Family Bingo
Dalton Branch of MADL, 3175 Fifth St., Twin Lake
Friday, Jan. 17, 3-4 p.m.
Cost: Free
Spend a fun hour with your family and friends competing for a prize. Get five in a row and you could be a winner. Ages 10 and older. Registration is required. To register, email rchurch@madl.org or call 231-828-4188.
Details: https://madl.librarycalendar.com/event/family-bingo-5433

Ruth and Max Bloomquist
Momentum Center, 401 N. Seventh St., Grand Haven
Friday, Jan. 17, 6:30 p.m.
Cost: $35-$60
To inaugurate its renovated community space, the Momentum Center welcomes these Michigan folk legends for a long-awaited benefit concert. One reviewer said their music is “a perfect tonic” for a cold January evening. Proceeds from the event will help the center provide social recreational opportunities to people who live with mental illness, addictions, and disabilities. Staff, members, and volunteers will serve light refreshments at 6 p.m. Buy tickets here.
Details: A Concert Featuring Ruth and Max Bloomquist

Exam Week Study Breaks
Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Ave., Grand Haven 
Friday, Jan. 17, 2:30-5:30; Saturday, Jan. 18, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; Sunday, Jan. 19, noon to 3:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2:30-5:30 p.m.; Wednesday, Jan. 22, 1:30-5:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
The Youth Program Room is open and ready for teens who need a place to study. The room will be stocked with snacks, coffee, and hot chocolate each day, so students can take a break from the books.
Details: https://www.loutitlibrary.org/Study-Break/

Wine About Winter
Downtown and Centertown Grand Haven
Friday, Jan. 17, 5-8 p.m.
Cost: $5 admission; $4 tasting tickets
Sip, stroll, and shop during this 15th annual event. Admission includes a wine-tasting glass. For those 21 and older with a valid ID, admission and tasting tickets are available for preorder at Fortino’s. 
Details: https://visitgrandhaven.com/event/wine-about-winter/

Chili Cookoff
Fenn Valley Vineyard, 6130 122nd Ave., Fennville
Saturday, Jan. 18, 1-5 p.m.
Cost: $10 for contestants, $5 for attendees
Do you have a knock-their-socks-off chili recipe? It’s time to show it off. Cook-off categories are four legs (beef and pork), two legs (fowl), no legs (vegetarian), and exotic (seafood or wild game). Even if you don’t make chili, this is a perfect opportunity to try some tasty, warm — and possibly winning — deliciousness.
Details: https://www.fennvalley.com/chili-cook-off/

Muskegon Risers
Trinity Health Arena, 470 W. Western Ave., Muskegon
Saturday, Jan. 18, 7 p.m.
Cost: $11-$19
If you love soccer, you’ll enjoy watching your hometown team in the first game of the new year. The organization was established in 2014 “to help facilitate positive social and economic change along the Muskegon Lakeshore through the game of soccer.” Men’s and women’s teams play throughout the year. Learn more here.
Details: https://www.visitmuskegon.org/listing/muskegon-risers/677/

An Evening of Inspiration
First United Methodist Church, 57 W. 10th St., Holland
Sunday, Jan. 19, 7 p.m. 
Cost: Free
The program — featuring Jeremy Simpson, with more than a decade of experience in pastoral ministry, spiritual leadership, community engagement, and organizational development — will include spoken word, music, wisdom, and motivation. The event is hosted by I AM Academy in partnership with Maple Avenue Ministries, Hope Church, and First United Methodist Church of Holland.
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/910258077873238/?_rdr

Winterfest Facebook page The cardboard sled race is just one of the many fun activities on the schedule for Winterfest 2025, set for Thursday through Sunday, Jan. 23-26, in Grand Haven.

Week 4 (Jan. 20–26)

MLK Celebration and Leadership Summit
Haworth Hotel, 225 College Ave., Holland
Monday, Jan. 20, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
This event, in honor of the late civil rights leader, includes coffee hour, a student-led breakout session, a chapel gathering, Courageous Conversation, and a Hope faculty and Holland community-led breakout session. Registration is required; register here.
Details: https://hope.edu/news/2025/campus-life/mlk-day-leadership-summit.html

MLK Day: How Can You Change the World?
Holland Museum, 31 W. 10th St., Holland
Monday, Jan. 20, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Cost: Free
This family event celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with engaging activities, crafts, and read-aloud activities. Join museum staff for MLK-inspired story times at 11 a.m., noon, or 1 p.m., including readers from Corewell Health, as you enjoy this impactful event with your family.
Details: https://hollandmuseum.org/event/mlk-day-how-can-you-change-the-world/
January Series Simulcast
Christ Memorial Church, 595 Graafschap Road, Holland
Evergreen Commons, 480 State St., Holland
Monday, Jan. 20, 12:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
Journalist and author Jonathan Eig will discuss his latest book, "King: A Life," which won the 2024 Pulitzer Prize for Biography. He explores Martin Luther King Jr. as a deep thinker, brilliant strategist, and committed leader of one of history's greatest movements and explains why King's demands for justice remain as urgent today as they were in his lifetime. Call 616-395-7100 to register at Evergreen Commons. The Calvin University January Series, with various speakers and topics, runs from Jan. 20-31.
Details: https://calvin.edu/january-series/speakers/jonathan-eig---king%3A-a-life

‘T-Rex: Her Fight for Gold’
Knickerbocker Theatre, 86 E. Eighth St., Holland
Tuesday, Jan. 21, 6:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
This documentary film tells the story of Clarissa “T-Rex” Shields, who rose from the streets of Flint to the gold-medal podium in London 2012, the first time women were allowed to box in the Olympics. Her life outside the ring, however, may have been an even tougher fight. A panel discussion with producer Sue Jaye Johnson follows the film.
Details: T-Rex

Veterans’ Social Support
Veterans Affairs Office, Baker College, 1903 Marquette Ave., Suite A101, Muskegon
Tuesday, Jan. 21, 3-4:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
Military and veterans’ families have similar struggles and confusion. This gathering offers support for one another through the hard times. Come to connect and share information and experiences.
Details: https://madl.librarycalendar.com/event/veterans-social-hour

OAISD Bilingual Play n Learn
Herrick District Library North Branch, 155 Riley St., Holland
Tuesday, Jan. 21, 6-7 p.m.
Cost: Free
Join this Spanish/English bilingual playgroup where there will be stories, fingerplays, creative art experiences, educational play, and a free book for each family. For ages 0-5 with a caregiver.
Details: https://herrickdl.bibliocommons.com/events/67335f0bb77ff728001d5e2f

LDL Book Club
Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Ave., Grand Haven 
Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2-3 p.m.
Cost: Free
Adults and seniors will gather to discuss “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo,” a novel by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Pick up a copy at the library’s information desk or find alternative formats here. Registration is encouraged.
Details: https://www.loutitlibrary.org/LDL-Book-Club/

Speed Friending
Hackley Public Library, 316 W. Webster Ave., Muskegon
Wednesday, Jan. 22, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
Have you ever said it’s difficult to make friends as an adult? If so, HPL staff has an answer. It’s like speed dating but for friendships. No strings attached. Come meet new people, and you just might make a friend. Registration is required.
Details: https://www.hackleylibrary.org/event/speed-friending/

Library of Things Showcase: Technology and Tools
North Muskegon Branch of MADL, 1522 Ruddiman Drive, North Muskegon
Wednesday, Jan. 22, 6-7 p.m.
Cost: Free
See demonstrations and check out items in the MADL collection. This workshop for adults will feature iPad kits, wireless hotspots, a distance measuring wheel, a slide scanner, and more.
Details: https://madl.librarycalendar.com/library-things-showcase-technology-and-tools/

Paint N Sip
Brewers Lounge at Pigeon Hill, 894 Fourth St., Muskegon
Wednesday, Jan. 22, 6-8 p.m.
Cost: $40
Beat the winter blues with this canvas painting experience. No experience is necessary as upbeat instructors will guide you along the way. Create the perfect decor to show off your skills.
Details: https://www.visitmuskegon.org/event/paint-n-sip/

Winterfest 2025
Various Grand Haven locations
Thursday-Sunday, Jan. 23-26
Cost: Free to attend
Get ready for four days of winter fun, with activities to keep everyone warm and having a great time. Whether it’s the world-famous Cardboard Sled Race, Freeze 4 All snow volleyball, Ski and Snowboard Competitions, Kids’ Day, or Euchre Tournament, you won’t want to miss this annual extravaganza.
Details: https://grandhavenwinterfest.org/

Family Fort Night
Herrick District Library, 300 S. River Ave., Holland
Friday, Jan. 24, 5:45-7 p.m.
Cost: Free
Kids, bring your flashlights, pillows, blankets, and other fort-making materials to the library for this after-hours program. Staff will read a few stories together, and then off you’ll go to create your reading fort.
Details: https://herrickdl.bibliocommons.com/events/67335f5f780c53e63c6a5730

Mozart & Beethoven
Frauenthal Center, 425 W. Western Ave., Muskegon
Friday, Jan. 24, 7:30 p.m.; doors open at 6:45 p.m.
Cost: $19-$69
This concert, featuring Scott Speck as conductor and clarinetist Jonathan Holden as soloist, is full of music that feels good. On the program are Mozart’s Overture to “The Marriage of Figaro,” Walker’s “Lyric for Strings,” Weber’s “Clarinet Concerto No. 2,” and Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 2.” Buy tickets here.
Details: https://www.visitmuskegon.org/event/mozart-and-beethoven/

Home Building & Remodeling Show
Civic Center Place, 150 W. Eighth St., Holland
Friday, Jan. 24, 1-8 p.m.; Saturday, Jan. 25, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door, free for ages 13 and younger
Whether you are looking to build your dream home, your current home needs an update, or you’re just looking for some inspiration, this is the place to be. The show features a variety of activities and fun for everyone. 
Details: https://lakeshorehomeshow.com/

‘The Little Mermaid’
Frauenthal Center Theater, 425 W. Western Ave., Muskegon
Sunday, Jan. 26, 3 p.m.
Cost: Free
The youngest of King Triton’s daughters, and the most defiant, Ariel longs to find out more about the world beyond the sea. While visiting the surface, Ariel falls for the dashing Prince Eric. Before the show, enjoy music by 4th Movement, a student-led string quartet, performing in the Western Lobby.
Details: https://frauenthal.org/event/the-little-mermaid/

Great Performances website A legendary theater ensemble, Actors from the London Stage, heads to Holland for a Great Performances Series staging of “Hamlet” at the Knickerbocker Theatre.

Week 5 (Jan. 27–31)

Teen Cozy Hangout
Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Ave., Grand Haven 
Monday, Jan. 27, 3-6 p.m.
Cost: Free
Drop in for a casual experience, where you can enjoy a serene haven of books, crafts, and cozy games. Whether you are seeking solitude or socializing, the hangout — for students entering seventh through 12th grades — offers a welcome environment where you can chill and be yourself. Light refreshments will be provided. 
Details: https://www.loutitlibrary.org/Teen-Cozy-Hangout/

‘Women of the Watch, Keepers of the Light’
Hackley Public Library, 316 W. Webster Ave., Muskegon
Monday, Jan. 27, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
In this uplifting 45 minutes of music, laughter, and storytelling, Anna Kamryn Marck relives family trips to lighthouses in Michigan and details the lives of four female Great Lakes lighthouse keepers. A Q-and-A will follow the presentation. Registration is preferred.
Details: https://www.hackleylibrary.org/event/women-of-the-watch/

Nutrition to Reach Your Goals
Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Ave., Grand Haven 
Tuesday, Jan. 28, 6-7 p.m.
Cost: Free
Brisban Roumpz will present an introduction to micronutrients and macronutrients, and teach participants how to use this information to reach their goals. She also will debunk misinformation about nutrition. Registration is encouraged.
Details: https://www.loutitlibrary.org/calendar/Nutrition-Goals/

‘Women of the Watch, Keepers of the Light’
North Muskegon Branch of MADL, 1522 Ruddiman Drive, North Muskegon
Tuesday, Jan. 28, 6-7 p.m.
Cost: Free
In this uplifting 45 minutes of music, laughter, and storytelling, Anna Kamryn Marck relives family trips to lighthouses in Michigan and details the lives of four female Great Lakes lighthouse keepers. A Q-and-A will follow the presentation. Registration is required. To register, email pcroff@madl.org or call 231-740-6080.
Details: https://madl.librarycalendar.com/event/women-watch-keepers-light-5937

Tech Help
Herrick District Library, 300 S. River Ave., Holland
Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2-4 p.m.
Cost: Free
If you have a tech question you just can’t answer or need help with email on your phone, drop in and ask questions. The library’s tech geniuses can help you find the answers. 
Details: https://herrickdl.bibliocommons.com/events/673cbd73018bbb1c3dd89847

Tween ‘90s Bead Animals
Herrick District Library North Branch, 155 Riley St., Holland
Thursday, Jan. 30, 4-5:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
Kids ages 9-14 are invited to create a custom bead animal, like we did in the 1990s. All materials will be provided. Registration is required.
Details: https://herrickdl.bibliocommons.com/events/67335f6a463ec42e3d21101e

Town Hall on Mental Health and Politics
Momentum Center, 401 N. Seventh St., Grand Haven
Thursday, Jan. 30, 6 p.m.
Cost: Free
Presentations by six panelists who have studied the effects of political discord on mental health will begin the program. A Q&A will follow. The audience will then break into small groups to continue conversations, then return to large-group conversations to share observations, revelations, and hopes for conversations in 2025. The center reminds participants this is not a political gathering or a campaign opportunity. Learn more and register at the link below.
Details: Town Hall on Mental Health & Politics — Momentum Center

Knickerbocker Theatre, 86 E. Eighth St., Holland
Friday-Saturday, Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 7:30 p.m.
Cost: $29 for adults, $25 for seniors, $15 for children
Actors from the London Stage, founded by Sir Patrick Stewart, returns with one of The Bard’s greatest plays. The tragedy features Hamlet seeking to avenge his father’s death while exploring timeless themes of reality, revenge, and death. 
Details: https://calendar.hope.edu/event/Hamlet-gps-actors-from-the-london-stage.

Fleetwood Gold: America’s Fleetwood Mac Experience
Frauenthal Center, 425 W. Western Ave., Muskegon
Friday, Jan. 31, 7:30 p.m.
Cost: $37.50
Since bursting on the scene just three years ago, the most followed Fleetwood Mac tribute band in the Midwest has been captivating audiences and gathering a devoted fanbase along the way. Enjoy the best of Fleetwood Mac, from the early Peter Green years through Stevie Nicks’ solo career, all without backing tracks or tricks.
Details: https://frauenthal.org/event/fleetwood-gold/

Need suggestions for specific destinations or activities, check out these tourism resources for details:
Holland Area Visitors Bureau
Grand Haven CVB
Ottawa County Parks & Recreation
Saugatuck CVB
Allegan County Parks & Recreation
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