
Feature Story Local author Melanie Hooyenga poses with a copy of her new novel "The Quiet Unraveling of Eve Ellaway.”

Grand Haven author brings hometown to life in novel

Feature Story Herrick District Library's main facility renovations include a new two-story playhouse in its children's department.

Herrick District Library plans renovation celebration

Feature Story Zeeland Citizen's Academy participants learned about how numerous city departments operate and received hands-on experiences.

Zeeland launches second annual Citizen's Academy

Feature Story Kendall VanWagner hugs a student.

Finding Their Calling: Hillside educators share their journey

Feature Story Herrick District Library’s next Maker-in-Residence will be civic engagement artist Sara Alsum-Wassenaar.

New maker creating geodomes at Herrick District Library

Feature Story Kent District Library's Write Michigan Short Story Contest is free to enter for youth. Adults pay a $10 entry fee, although scholarships are available.
Feature Story Marcus Drenth of NineTen Media
Feature Story Ottawa County Clerk/Register of Deeds Justin Roebuck speaks at a recent event.
Feature Story Holland Museum interns Back Row (L-R): Tori Lynch, Joseph Le, Daniel Dykstra, Bobby Dotson; Front Row (L-R): Cecelia Hooper, Grace Torrence, Maiya Mashack, Brianna Conway, Lilli Bruxvoort

LEDA legacy lives on in museum exhibit curated by interns

Feature Story Jodi Schaap's debut collection of poetry is called "Notes to Self."

Shore Story: To be a writer, you must write

Feature Story Penny Shuff works for Mediation Services, which allows her to show her true colors as a good listener and a peacemaker.

Shore Story: A resource for peaceful resolutions

Feature Story The board members of the Tri-Cities Puentes Initiative.
Feature Story Randy Boileau, founder of Boileau Communications