Volz takes assistant VP spot at Traverse City State Bank

Traverse City State Bank has two new assistant VPs, Stephanie Volz and Amy Grant.

Volz will be overseeing cash management and deposit operations for the Traverse City bank, and has worked at the bank since 2005.

Volz' previous capacities at the bank include cash management, branch and deposit operations. She was selected for the position as a result of her exceptional knowledge of bank procedures, services and products, and her high level of professionalism with staff and clients.

Amy Grant will serve as assistant VP, mortgage underwriter and loan production supervisor. She began working with Traverse Mortgage Corporation in 2000, and has been with Traverse City State Bank since 2006.

Traverse City State Bank is a locally owned and operated bank providing commercial and consumer banking services. It has three Traverse City locations and one in Suttons Bay.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Traverse City State Bank
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