TC State Bank promotes four

We're always thrilled to announce promotions at local companies, but we have to admit we were a little surprised when Traverse City State Bank recently announced the financial institution had recently promoted four employees.

The bank last week announced that it has promoted Larry Kennedy to senior vice president of special assets, Kelly Schramski and John Galbraith to commercial loan officer positions and Jackie Stallman to credit officer.

Kennedy's career in banking spans 43 years, in all facets of banking and financial management, and he has held leadership roles in commercial lending throughout his career. After a brief attempt at retiring, he joined Traverse City State Bank in 2009 to head up the bank’s new special asset group. He attended the University of Michigan and graduated with a bachelor of science in administration.

Galbraith has been with TCSB for one year as a successful residential mortgage originator. He has nine years of experience in commercial lending and six years experience of running a successful business. He is a graduate of Central Michigan University (undergraduate) and Spring Arbor University (graduate).

Stallman originally joined TCSB in 2005. She has held the position of credit analyst and served as coordinator for the board of directors and committee loan presentations. She earned her bachelor’s degree in business administration in finance from Davenport University.

Schramski joined TCSB with over five years of experience in personal banking and business development and has excelled as a commercial loan portfolio manager. She is an alumnus of Michigan State University.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Traverse City State Bank
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