War Memorial opens new cancer center

It's always comforting to know that when you need it, your local hospital will have the best care available for you. That's the case over in Sault Ste. Marie and War Memorial Hospital, which recently cut the ribbon on its state-of-the-art cancer care center.

The center will be overseen by Dr. Belisario Arango, an oncologist who will lead a staff focused on the comprehensive care of cancer patients. Care will include chemotherapy, lab work, infusion therapies as well as several other therapies and procedures -- all under one roof.

 “The cancer center is a significant upgrade for our community,” says Arango.  “Our capacity to take care of patients, administer targeted treatments such as immune therapy, monoclonal antibodies and chemotherapy, is much enhanced.  This is bringing our facility up to date.”
Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: War Memorial Hospital

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