What's happening: Many communities in the Upper Peninsula are gearing up for the state's “Match on Main” program, which can help many businesses improve or upgrade their businesses. The program creates a $25,000 grant available only to communities with the Redevelopment Ready Community status, designed to foster downtown revitalization, support local entrepreneurs and stimulate economic growth within Michigan’s small towns and urban centers.
What is the RCC: Created by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, the RRC program equips municipalities with tools and best practices to enhance planning, zoning, and economic development. By streamlining processes and promoting transparency, the initiative aims to attract private investment, spur economic growth, and revitalize local communities. Numerous communities across the Upper Peninsula are considered RRC communities, including Negaunee, Marquette, Ishpeming, Menominee and Munising.
What they're saying: “The (Match on Main) funds can be used for such things as renovating the interior of the business, developing an outdoor dining area, marketing, technical upgrades or working capital. It is primarily aimed at supporting their growth and development in the community and enhance their presence on Ludington Street,” said Craig Woerpel, who is executive director of the Escanaba Downtown Development Authority.
What's next: Grant deadlines vary among municipalities, with most forms needing to be submitted by early March. Double check specific dates and requirements with your municipalities. Businesses need to put up at least a 10 percent match to qualify.
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