Support center assists more than 30 entrepreneurs in six months

It's always nice for business owners to know that there is someplace they can turn when they need help and advice. In Hancock, that place is the Entrepreneur Support Center, which opened last spring to provide local business owners with an office and mentors to guide them.

In the past six months alone, the center has helped 33 entrepreneurs who have signed up for services. In that time, 18 LLCs have been filed, six companies were helped to get to the stage where they are either selling their products actively or taking orders for upcoming products and two companies have become completely operational.

The purpose of the center is to help entrepreneurs get their businesses off the ground and going in the right direction.

"Together, they identify a list of milestones to meet in six to nine months," says Jonathan Leinonen, of the MTEC SmartZone, which collaborated with Finlandia University to create the center. "The mentorship program has proven to be especially valuable and extremely well utilized."

Through the support center, business owners have the ability to access video conferencing, computers, high-speed Internet, printers, fax machines and business phone lines as well as hundreds of webinars and personalized assistance.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Jonathan Leinonen, MTEC SmartZone

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