SmartStart pre-incubation program offers help to entrepreneurs

For businesses and entrepreneurs looking to get a head start in the Copper Country, one must-stop location is to see the folks over at MTEC SmartZone and discuss their SmartStart program.

MTEC, founded in 2002, proves facilities, experience and resources to help get start-ups moving forward. They're mission is to start, grow and sustain technology companies in the community with the goal of creating 750 jobs in 10 years. That goal sparked the creation of SmartStart, a "pre-incubation" program designed to foster the development of new innovations with commercial potential.

"SmartStart pushes founders to get outside of their heads and really explore their ideas from the viewpoint of business and customers," says Marilyn Clark, executive director of MTEC. "Instead of thinking about what the technology can do, they begin to investigate different questions--is the market big enough, what problem does it solve, and will people pay money for it?"

The program provides a weekly, interactive clinic environment for founders to scope the opportunity and business value proposition for their ideas. Four advisors from MTEC SmartZone have been certified to coach the weekly clinics. Participants range from university faculty and PhD students to local entrepreneurs.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: MTEC SmartZone
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