New staff member at U.P. Rehab

If you go into Escanaba's U.P. Rehab Services for therapy any time soon, you'll likely meet the newest employee there--Anne Hivala Benetti.

Hivala Benetti was recently hired as the new Therapy Team Leader for Doctor's Park Rehab, which is located in Escanaba. The rehab offices, which offer services provided by Marquette General, provides a slew of therapies ranging from physical to occupational to speech.

Hivala Benetti will be using her skills from years of experience in multiple states to help her in her new role.

She is an Escanaba native who went on to receive her doctorate of physical therapy from Central Michigan University. She specializes in outpatient orthopedics, and sport and geriatric rehabilitation.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: U.P. Rehab Services
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