Jobs Available: Menominee ISD seeking two speech therapists

Company: Menominee County Intermediate School District
Location: 1201 41st Avenue
Menominee, MI 49858
How to apply: Email or mail
Job Category: Full time
Bay College is hiring for a full-time administrative position in its TRIO Math Center for a specialist who will report to the center's director. The position consists of managing the center, which includes hiring, training and supervising tutors; evaluating student needs and getting them the right kind of math help, as well as tutoring students with the most severe learning challenges. The specialist also will meet with faculty, advise students, present math-related workshops, and attend divisional meetings, among other duties. It is a salaried job, ranging from $35,388 to $44,236, with summers off. The salary is therefore prorated.

Requirements: A bachelor's degree in mathematics or math education is required, and a master's degree in mathematics, education or related areas will be preferred. Also required are skills including the ability to train and supervise math tutors, the ability to work with students, faculty and administrators, knowledge of math and instructional methods, and the ability to work with students who learn atypically.

Additional skills preferred in applicants:
-- Completion of coursework through differential equations
-- Ability to prepare and present math-related workshops
-- Experience in administration
-- Experience in tutoring or developmental education
-- Experience in educational computing technology
-- Personal experience in overcoming barriers to post-secondary success

To apply: Bay College only accepts applications through this online system.

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Full time