Technology and Innovation


U.P. students reach for the stars with Go For Launch!

Feature Story Courtesy of Lake Superior State University

The robots are coming — no, they’re here

Feature Story innovationweeklogo

Pushing innovation in the U.P.

Feature Story Co-founders of KMI: Troy Morris, Austin Morris, and Adam Kall.

KMI advances space debris removal efforts

Feature Story The intuitive light system replaces outdated flags to show swim risk forecasting for swimmers, paddleboarders, and surfers. 

Rec-tech startups taking root in the U.P.

Feature Story The entrance to Lake State University in Sault Ste. Marie.

New space program lifts off at LSSU

Feature Story Ana Dyreson

The snowy U.P.: Ideal for testing solar panels

Soo Locks heading into winter maintenance

Feature Story UPword logo

Issue Media Group relaunches Upper Peninsula publication