New Media Consulting Business Focuses on Minority Messaging

After working in media for 20 years, former Lansing-based WQHH broadcaster Brant Johnson started his own media consulting group, Brant Johnson, J.D. & Associates.

Johnson started Brant Johnson, J.D. & Associates in October 2008, a decision he says wasn’t easy, but one he was ready to make.

“I didn’t really have the passion to work for someone else and I knew that if I gave it a good try, I could be a real success,” Johnson says.

Johnson’s company is based out of his Okemos home and focuses on minority PR and marketing messaging.

“My first mission was to emphasize on helping organizations, people and businesses manage their own messages more effectively to minority communities,” he says. “Often times, messages for those communities aren’t framed effectively.”

And sometimes, they’re overlooked completely.

“I want to be that conduit to offer that expertise to those organizations/entities,” Johnson says.

Johnson says he can help businesses communicate with Asian, Hispanic, African-American and homosexual communities.

“Business is growing,” he says. “People are learning who I am and what I can do.”

So far, Johnson’s taken on 621, the Ronald McDonald House and the accounting firm CL Moore & Associates as clients.

Source: Brant Johnson, J.D. & Associates

Ivy Hughes, development news editor, can be reached here.

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