Web Ascender Moves Headquarters to New 2,500 Sq Ft Space in Okemos

Web Ascender, an Okemos-based company that provides web site design, development and internet marketing services to companies around the world, has outgrown their previous home and moved their headquarters to a new location at 4151 Okemos Rd., Suite B, Okemos.

“Our old location was pretty much maxed out at six or seven employees. The new office is 2,500 sq ft which will allow us to hire another two or three people this year,” says Ryan Doom, president and co-founder of the company. “We imagine that this location will hold us over for another 2 years and then we will determine whether we will need additional space, or continue on at this location.”
The team specializes in web-based content management systems, allowing their clients to easily edit content and pages on their web site without the need for any technical skills. Web Ascender has been in business since 2005 and is a Microsoft Gold Partner. 

For a quick video tour of the new location, click here.

Source: Ryan Doom, Web Ascender

Suban Nur Cooley, interim development news editor, can be reached here.  

All Photographs © Dave Trumpie

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