XG Science's 6,000 Sq Ft Facility in Lansing Complete, More on the Way

The 6,000 square foot pilot facility that Lansing-based XG Sciences started renovating at the beginning of 2008 is complete, but Michael Knox, president and CEO of XG Sciences, has plans for more.

“We plan to expand, but the timing on that will depend on the market acceptance of our product,” Knox says.

XG Sciences is a high-tech firm that develops nanoparticles used in products such as plastic, elastomers and resins.

The 6,000 square foot, $650,000, facility on the Southside of Lansing allows XG Science’s employees to work with a very dense graphite particle to make plastics and other materials perform better.

XG Sciences has three full time employees working at the Southside facility. Knox says the company is currently looking to fill an engineering position.

Source: Michael Knox, XG Sciences

Ivy Hughes, development news editor, can be reached here.

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