TIC startup GiftZip.com acquired by gift card giant SVM

The goal of East Lansing's Technology and Innovation Center is to foster creative entrepreneurs and help them find success. The announcement of TIC tenant GiftZip.com's acquisition by gift card industry leader SVM, LP is one very big sign that that goal is being met.

According to GiftZip.com founder Sam Hogg, support from the TIC was integral to the establishment and development of his venture.

"What the TIC did was formalize the notion the GiftZip was a business," Hogg says. "Jeff Smith talked me into setting up an office when all I had was an idea. In terms of services, it was amazing."

Hogg began GiftZip.com in 2008 and utilized student interns, and TIC service providers to launch and develop the company.

"You can't beat the fact you can throw a wad of paper over the wall and get the attention of your web developer," he says. "Liquid Web, and Netvantage Marketing and Nicholas Creative were all instrumental in getting this going."

Hogg will remain with the business for a period of time as an advisor. GiftZip.com will officially move to Chicago under SVM. According to Hogg, GiftZip.com had been on SVM's radar for some time, and took his time deciding whether to continue competing or sell the business to them. Details of the acquisition remain confidential.

"As future entrepreneurs look to start Internet companies, East Lansing is a great place to do that," he says. "Even though companies are bought and sold, the service providers you need are right there locally."
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