Popular Shopping Website Groupon Makes Plans to Launch in Lansing

Groupon, “a shopping website that offers a daily deal on the best local goods, services and cultural events,” is currently in more than 300 markets around the world.

So, if you love to shop at local businesses, eat at local eateries and attend cultural events in Lansing, then you’ll be thrilled to know that Groupon will be launching here in about a month’s time!

“Lansing offers a strong variety of quality local businesses. [That is] the kind of city that performs well for Groupon,” says Julie Mossler, PR/consumer marketing manager at Groupon.

“Our customers largely determine where we expand to next, and we heard from many existing Groupon shoppers that they commuted to, or lived in, Lansing and would like to see deals there.”

Groupon has already been hard at work, usually launching in a city once several months’ worth of deals are lined up. But we won’t know what local businesses are involved until the site is live.

“We connect the best businesses with the best customers, providing new streams of traffic to support the local economy. On the customer side, Groupon is a way to explore your city and get out of the rut of the same routine every weekend,” add Mossler.

Source: Julie Mossler, Groupon

Writer: Suban Nur Cooley
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