MSU Secures $1.5 Million in Stimulus Grant Support, Submitting 200 Proposals

Michigan State University (MSU) has already submitted nearly 200 federal stimulus funding grant proposals, and raked in $1.5 million under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). To help faculty and the public keep track of funding opportunities as well expenditures, the university has launched a new website.

The website will include news on the stimulus funding awarded to MSU researchers, as well as a roundup of all stimulus projects, including the focus of the research and how the money is being used. 

As part of the federal government’s nearly $800 billion recovery program, more than $15 billion is being awarded to research institutions nationwide by a variety of federal funding agencies. Parameters are specific and dollars must be used within two years.

For example, the U.S. Department of Labor has $75 million available for its grant program which trains workers for emerging industries, and $500 million for research, labor exchange and job-training programs in energy efficiency and renewable energy.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has $2.5 billion available for research, $300 million of which will be allocated to the Major Research Instrumentation program and $200 million for modernization of research facilities. The NSF receives $100 million for education and human resources and $400 million for research equipment and construction of facilities.

With more than $1.5 million in federal stimulus funding grants already in hand, MSU is helping lead economic recovery as it spurs innovation, creates jobs and furthers research addressing some of society’s most pressing challenges, says President Lou Anna K. Simon.

Source: MSU

Gretchen Cochran, Innovation & Jobs editor, may be reached here.

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