First TEDx Lansing Conference To Be Held at Wharton Center This Spring

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an annual event where the top thinkers of the world come together to share ideas that have the power to "change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world." This innovative event is now starting in the Capital region on May 21, as  TEDx Lansing, and will be held at the Wharton Center's Pasant Theater.

"TEDx is a new program from the organizers of TED, that enables local communities such as schools, businesses, libraries, neighborhoods or just groups of friends to organize, design and host their own independent, TED-like events," says Jennifer Middlin, one of the individuals involved in establishing TEDx Lansing. "The speaker selection committee is hand-picking some of the best and brightest around our state to showcase the incredible talent that we produce. Our goal is to leave guests awe-inspired!"

Aside from sharing ideas that will impact the future of the region, TEDx Lansing will also promote local eateries in the area. "We will be sending attendees to unique #LoveLansing restaurants all over town to experience the tastes of Lansing," adds Middlin. "We have such [an incredible selection of] restaurants that we really wanted to expose attendees to new tastes. . . . Hopefully, the economic impact will be helpful for these small, locally owned establishments."

Source: Jennifer Middlin, TEDx Lansing

Writer: Suban Nur Cooley
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