Capital Region Creatives Highlight Local Talent with Annual Studio Crawl

Members of the Mid-Michigan Creative Alliance (MMCA) are opening their doors to businesses wanting to learn about the marketing and advertising community in the Capital region. Called the Studio Crawl, the tour is Thursday, April 23, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The Studio Crawl is open to the general business public, educators and students. It will feature Lansing-based photography studios, video production studios, commercial print shops, design and advertising agencies. Specific locations are listed on the MMCA web site.

Participation costs $10, which includes a passbook with maps to each location, details and a ticket to the Lugnuts baseball game the same evening as an after-party. The tour is self-guided, so crawlers can start where they want and then visit as few or as many places as they wish.

RSVP at the MMCA web site is recommended to guarantee a ticket for the game. 

“Last year we had an overwhelming response” says Karen Stefl, partner at Such Video in Lansing’s Old Town. “It was great to see such diversity in the people who participated and we’re excited to see who comes back or new faces of businesses looking to see what this community has to offer.”

Benjamin Slayter, director of marketing for SGA Production Staging, a national company headquartered here in the Capital region, says “I always knew creative talent existed in Lansing, but I had no idea just how much until I attended the 2008 Studio Crawl, put on by the MMCA.  The experience offered here in Lansing easily matches that of cities four times the size.”

Source: Camron Gnass, Vision Creative

Gretchen Cochran, Innovation & Jobs editor, may be reached here.

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