Jackson National Chooses to Put 150 New Jobs in Lansing Location

Jackson National Life Insurance Co. is moving its Denver customer service center to Lansing, a move that will create 150 jobs in Lansing.

According to excerpts from the article:

The move will grow Jackson's local work force by 11 percent to nearly 1,500 people. It will have about 650 employees at its Denver office working in sales, marketing and at its investment adviser subsidiary, Curian Capital.

Jackson spokesman Tim Padot praised Lansing officials and Michigan regulators for how well they've worked with the company.

"That's a relationship we value, and that plays into this decision," Padot said. "We had other states we could have moved this service center to, but . . . when you have a place that is working, you want to keep it working."

"People are feeling anxious now about the economic climate of the city and state, but this is a prime example of where the city of Lansing does successfully compete," said Bob Trezise, president of the Lansing Economic Development Corp.

Read the entire article here.

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