Former Disney employees open creative studio in Ann Arbor

This summer, creative consulting studio A2 Creative Labs opened in Ann Arbor with a goal of aiding small businesses and tech startups in finding unique ways to develop their online brands and identities. Its founders, Greg Shewchuk and Mike Ambs, are drawing on their experience working for Los Angeles film studios in order to bring local creative visions to life.

Shewchuk and Ambs initially worked together at Disney. Shewchuk says they took risks there that paid off in the form of a feature-length stop-motion film and a partnership between Disney and Google.

"I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit," says Shewchuk. "[While] Mike and I were working at Disney Interactive, we were both contracting and were both running our own small businesses."

Shewchuk says his work with Disney helped him develop skills like creative problem-solving and storytelling, which translate perfectly into the work he and Ambs are now embarking on with A2 Creative Labs. When the two of them left Disney and returned to Michigan, Shewchuk says it just made sense to work together on a new innovative endeavor.

"When you run your own business, you do a little bit of everything," Shewchuk says. "We're looking to use our storytelling and visual language skills to help businesses grow and participate in the local ecosystem."

Since A2 Creative Labs opened its doors, Shewchuk says reception has been overwhelmingly positive. He adds that the studio is continuously reaching out and building relationships with other local companies.

"There is a very rich opportunity for us, a very colorful palette to paint from," he says. "Building relationships is the first big part of our success as a company here."

For more information on A2 Creative Labs or to schedule a consultation, visit To keep up to date with upcoming projects and partnerships, follow the studio's Instagram.

"If we can help a business tell their story, that's great," Shewchuk says. "If we can additionally tell the world about the community and the people and the potential, that's a bigger win for everyone."

Rylee Barnsdale is a Michigan native and longtime Washtenaw County resident. She wants to use her journalistic experience from her time at Eastern Michigan University writing for the Eastern Echo to tell the stories of Washtenaw County residents that need to be heard.

Photo courtesy of A2 Creative Labs.
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