Ann Arbor-made speakers could redefine rock

Think of them as the ultimate in sustainable audio equipment -- stone speakers. Audiomasons Design Works has developed the new must-buy for audiophiles: Indiana limestone speakers that produce undistorted sound.


"There was some trial and error along the way. The first prototype weighed nearly 400 pounds (it now serves as Alessi's home laundry basket). Eventually, with the help of an Ann Arbor speaker shop, the company's stone speakers were ready for prime time.

One key moment when the company knew it had something? During a sound test for their highest-end design, a piano piece by Bach was played through the speaker. Alessi and his colleagues heard a strange faint sound they couldn't pin down. They finally realized it was the musician on the recording faintly mumbling to himself in Dutch."

Read the rest of the story here.
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