Historic Preservation

Innovation News The names "Doris" and "Myrtle" are carved into a chimney at 108 N. Maple.
Development News Illustration provided in Detroit Street Filling Station's application for the mural.

New panelized mural proposed in Kerrytown

Innovation News Screenshot from BARDEUM's "The Death of Cornelia" experience in the Roman Forum.
Innovation News Jim Irwin with two of the paintings from his collection.
Video Parkridge video
Feature Story 826 Spring St.

Ann Arbor's 10 most interesting houses

Feature Story Rob Eisman, Liz Marek, Greg Lobdell and Jon Carlson at the Thompson Block redevelopment on April 2, 2018
Development News Black Ypsi sign on the First Ward School.
Development News State Theatre sign.
Feature Story Ronald Woods in his office at Eastern Michigan University

How Ypsi's past informs its present and shapes its future

Feature Story Librarians at Ann Arbor's Carnegie library.

The Backstory: How Ann Arbor's libraries went public