Mobile Technology

Innovation News GO MUVE logo
Innovation News HelpPays co-founder Emmanuel Aubrey.
Innovation News A promotional flyer for WAVE's partnership with MUVE.
Innovation News CarBeast Foresight anticipates repairs that your car may need.
Feature Story Zonder founder Harry Yang visits the Castel dell'Ovo in Naples, Italy, before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Longform Cuppy's Best Soulful Cafe owner Andrea "Cuppy" White.

Ypsi restaurants innovate to survive winter in pandemic

Feature Story The game "Around the World in 30 Minutes" can be played outside Decode Ann Arbor's location by solving challenges on a smartphone.
Innovation News Saharsh Hajela.
Feature Story A screenshot from 10 Degrees.

This U-M student is launching a video game to fight climate change

Innovation News A FlexRide van.
Innovation News A screenshot of the Nickels app.